Second Generation Computer Technician

I have spent the past 25 years workign on and learning about computers in every aspect i could, but believe i have gone as far as i can on my own and such i have begun the journey to obtain my degree in IT. I hope complete this step and move on to a degree in teaching.

My hope in studying with RMIT is to shore up the holes in my education that is currently hindering my advancement in the IT Industry. Of most interest to me is working my way into programming for education, creating programs that further the education of the next generation.

In seeking my future i have performed several online Personality tests that i believe link with the work i will be doing in the future, the results of which can be found below. But i do not believe that any personaluty test can truly show who someone is and how they will fit into any given situation. i believe that my personality is far more liquid than that and know that i am capable of shifting to match those around me.


My favourite ways to spend my down time, Fighing and Riding. Can't get enough of it

My project centers around the idea of education through gamification, teaching people a skill or topic of knowledge in the form of an entertaining, user accessible medium such as interactive video games. One such area I believe could be truly life altering is the creation of an application designed to teach those with no prior knowledge, such as the very young or the elderly, how to use a computer and what that computer can do. The base concept and proof of theory is to create an interactive application that gamifies the initial stages of using a computer, in place of a lengthy and hard to sit through Video or User manual.

It is believed that by 2020, the number of users of the internet will of hit 5 billion. The use of Technology is in growth at an exponential rate, and the inability to use it is now, more than ever before, considered a detriment to a persons future. But learning a new skill can be difficult especially in the really young or the older generations, sitting in classrooms isn’t even possible for a baby and for a person a few years from retirement and can seem daunting and even embarrassing. But if some fun alternative method of learning is available, that can be scaled depending on the needed simplicity, then it is easily within our grasp to have a world with no one left in the dark.

The major points that the application needs to meet, start with Simplicity. The application must feel completely natural no matter someones background. No clunky menu’s, no expected existing knowledge. Start with a simple colourful screen and a voice over with an interactive mouse, encouraging the user to grab the mouse and slide it along the table. And already we have inherently tought someone who had no knowledge before hand, that moving that thing on the desk, which they will now always assosciate with a Mouse, moves things on the screen. Next it will teach them how to click, get the mouse on the screen to move to the left side of the screen encouraging the user to chase it, then get the mouse to hop on its left foot whilst looking back at the user, inherently the mind will see the link, if it takes a few seconds, have the Mouse throw a mouse at the screen, have it climb up the screen and point to the left mouse button and then hop back down and repeat.

The list goes on of course but the point is the same, show the action in a simple to follow idea, allow a moment for the user to figure it out, then if struggling prompt them with a little more obvious information. Then the gamification comes in, when the user clicks on the left mouse button on the correct spot, +200 appears on the screen in gold writing and an affirmative audio tone plays, encouraging the user through gamified treats.

The Second major point that the application must meet is completeness. It must cover everything that is needed to be known to use a computer from start to finish on a graduated scale. If any piece of knowledge is missed then that will leave a hole in the user’s abilities and they will harbor resentment that they can’t do what seems simple to everyone else. With that in mind the application doesn’t need to cover various other applications, like the internet or some other third party piece of software. But I would argue that teaching them how to use a basic word processor should be on the list, as should the calculator and an email program.

The third point that the application must meet is First Contact. This application needs to be a users first contact with a computer, when a person buys a computer and takes it home, the application cant just be on the computer. It has to start from the moment the user opens the box. The game needs to start as physical, and the goal is to assemble the computer if it is a desktop, or get the basics organized if it is a laptop or tablet. And once the computer powers up, the application needs to be the first thing that comes up, before anything else.

The final point is the application most be wholly and entirely skippable. If a user already has experience using a computer there needs to be an obvious way for them to simply go, “No thank you, I’m good.”

Most of the Project revolves around programming and application for education, but by the vary nature of the idea, there must be more too it. Because the experience starts the moment you open the box, documentation and prints are required, maybe the first contact is made in the form of something like a advent calendar, where opening certain boxes gives instructions whilst others provide treats, or a board game of some sort. The point is that the tools and tech needed already exist, such as a programming language of choice be it c++ or Java. A software compiler and IDE such as Oracle, a text editor, I prefer Atom, and as the project will take more than one person a sharing tool such as git. Also printing materials will be needed for the pre power stage of the education.

A strong knowledge of the chosen programming language will be required, be that java or C++ or whatever is chosen. I already have some skill with that and am learning more every day, but if not then programmers are everywhere and it should be a simple role to fill. No hardware is required but Script and Story writers will be needed to create an engaging yet informative narrative for the user. Artists will be required in both the physical and digital scopes though one or two that work well in both would be preferred. And someone who is skilled in the making of a game, someone with experience creating their own table top games and puzzle adventures

If the project is successful then the application will be distributed with as many new computers as possible, meaning that if everyone does their jobs well, there will be no one scared to pick up a computer and start learning. New jobs will be created in creating advancements and distributing these StartUp Apps, and computer sales would see a rise in the elderly markets as well as the less experienced segments. And new software with the same goal in mind but aimed at third party applications would begin to rise, and if all went well, gaming as education would begin to spread throughout the schooling systems.